Science and Exploration

Video: This Week In Space With Miles O’Brien

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
Filed under

“The shuttle Endeavour delivers “windows on the world” to the International Space Station, aftershocks from the Obama Administration’s budget bombshell rattle NASA, prospects for a shuttle program extension – while remote – live on, the Solar Dynamics Observatory soaks up the sun, SpaceX gets ready to light the candle on Falcon 9, and Hubble/ESA/the European Southern Observatory wow us with some new out-of-this-world pictures.”

“The shuttle Endeavour delivers “windows on the world” to the International Space Station, aftershocks from the Obama Administration’s budget bombshell rattle NASA, prospects for a shuttle program extension – while remote – live on, the Solar Dynamics Observatory soaks up the sun, SpaceX gets ready to light the candle on Falcon 9, and Hubble/ESA/the European Southern Observatory wow us with some new out-of-this-world pictures.”

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.