Science and Exploration

Video: Shooting Felix Baumgartner Jumping in the Stratosphere – Red Bull Illume

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
Filed under

Ever wonder how Felix Baumgartner’s record-breaking free fall is going to be documented? Well, we have the answer for you. Check out the Red Bull Illume clip “Shooting in the Stratosphere,” to understand how this historic event will be remembered forever. More.

Ever wonder how Felix Baumgartner’s record-breaking free fall is going to be documented? Well, we have the answer for you. Check out the Red Bull Illume clip “Shooting in the Stratosphere,” to understand how this historic event will be remembered forever. More.

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.