Science and Exploration

Soyuz TMA-17/21S Launch Preparations

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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Soyuz TMA-17/21S launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome on 20 December 2009 at 4:52pm. It docked with the ISS on 22 December. You can follow the launch preparations of the spacecraft leading up to the launch below. Click on images to enlarge.

Soyuz TMA-17/21S launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome on 20 December 2009 at 4:52pm. It docked with the ISS on 22 December. You can follow the launch preparations of the spacecraft leading up to the launch below. Click on images to enlarge.

December 21, 2009. Baikonur launch site, branch office of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia

In accordance with the International Space Station (ISS) Mission Program and the Russian commitments under this International Project, the Soyuz TMA-17 manned transport spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 00:52:00 Moscow Time. The Soyuz TMA-17 crew: Oleg Kotov (Soyuz Commander, Russia), Timothy J. Creamer (Flight Engineer, USA) and Soichi Noguchi (Flight Engineer, Japan)

The objective of the launch is to deliver the Expedition 22/23 crew (ISS-22/23) to the ISS. The spacecraft was placed into reference near-earth orbit with the following parameters: inclination of 51.65 degrees, minimum altitude of 199.8 km, maximum altitude of 260.12 km, orbital period of 88.8 min. The spacecraft onboard systems operate in normal mode.

At the launch site, the spacecraft prelaunch processing and launch were performed under the direction of the State Commission (chaired by the Head of Roscosmos A.N. Perminov). The Commission took decisions on implementation of the prelaunch processing and launch phases guided by the conclusions drawn by the Technical Management headed by V.A. Lopota, the President of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia, General Designer.

According to the telemetry data and reports from the Expedition 22 crew currently working onboard the ISS, the station onboard systems operate in normal mode. The Station is ready for docking with the spacecraft.

For reference:

  1. S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, the prime manned space flight organization in the Russian rocket and space industry, is responsible for development of the ISS Russian Segment, its integration into the Space Station and its operation including development and operation of its principal modules (Zvezda, Pirs, Poisk and others), manufacturing, launch and operation of Soyuz TMA spacecrafts and Progress space vehicles.
  2. The ISS-22 crew: M. Suraev (flight engineer, Russia) and J. Williams (ISS commander, the U.S.)
  3. Soyuz TMA-17 docking with the International Space Station is scheduled for December 23, 2009, at 1:54 a.m. Moscow time.

December 18, 2009. Baikonur launch site, branch office of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia

At Baikonur launch site the preparations continue for the launch of Soyuz TMA-17 transport manned vehicle under the International Space Station program. A rollout of the Soyuz spacecraft from the assembly-test facility to the launch site was provided. The Soyuz-FG launch vehicle with the Soyuz TMA-17 transport spacecraft was erected on the launch pad. Operations under the launch minus two days program began.

December 17, 2009. Baikonur launch site,
branch office of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia. At Baikonur launch site the preparations continue for the launch of Soyuz TMA-17 transport manned vehicle under the International Space Station program. In the LV Integration and Checkout Facility, the basic integration of the Soyuz-FG launch vehicle with the upper composite has been completed.

December 16, 2009. Baikonur launch site, branch office of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia.

At Baikonur launch site the preparations continue for the launch of Soyuz TMA-17 transport manned vehicle under the International Space Station program. Orbital module of the Soyuz-FG launch vehicle, containing the Soyuz TMA-17 manned spacecraft was transported from the spacecraft processing facility for the general integration with LV.

December 16, 2009. Baikonur launch site, branch office of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia. In the assembly/test building primary (Oleg Kotov (Roscosmos, Russia), Timothy Creamer (NASA, USA), Soichi Noguchi (JAXA, Japan),) and backup (Anton Shkaplerov (Roscosmos, Russia), Douglas Wheelock (NASA, USA), Satoshi Furukawa (JAXA, Japan)) crews of the Soyuz TMA-17 transportation spacecraft made a check inspection of the spacecraft in the launch configuration and got acquainted with equipment to be delivered and returned to the ground.

December 14, 2009. Baikonur launch site, branch office of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia. At Baikonur launch site the preparations continue for the launch of Soyuz TMA-17 transport manned vehicle under the International Space Station program. Designers inspection of the Soyuz TMA-17 spacecraft was completed.

Payload shroud roll on to the Soyuz TMA-17 spacecraft was performed.

December 12, 2009. Baikonur launch site, branch office of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia. At Baikonur launch site the preparations continue for the launch of Soyuz TMA-17 transport manned vehicle under the International Space Station program. Soyuz TMA-17 transport manned vehicle fuelled with propellant components and compressed gases was delivered to the Spacecraft Assembly and Testing Facility for final processing operations.

Soyuz TMA-17 transport manned vehicle was docked with the transfer compartment in the Spacecraft Assembly and Testing Facility.

December 10, 2009. Baikonur launch site, branch office of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia

The primary and backup crews of the ISS Expedition 22 have entered into their final training phase in the processing facility. Oleg Kotov (Roscosmos, Russia), Timothy Creamer (NASA, USA), Soichi Noguchi (JAXA, Japan), Douglas Wheelock (NASA, USA), Anton Shkaplerov (Roscosmos, Russia), Satoshi Furukawa (JAXA, Japan) have inspected the Soyuz TMA-17 spacecraft, tried on Sokol-KV spacesuits and customized contoured couches, went through the on-board documentation and the launch manifest.< The Technical Management meeting took place, which made a decision to fuel Soyuz TMA-17 vehicle with propellant components and compressed gases.

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.