Science and Exploration

Photo: Shenyang, China As Seen At Night From the International Space Station

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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One of the Expedition 33 crew members aboard the International Space Station took this night photo of Shenyang, China, located at 41.8 degrees north latitude and 123.43 degrees east longitude, alongside the smaller Sujiatun, China (center left). The orbital outpost was over a point centered at 40.4 degrees north latitude and 124.2 degrees east longitude when the photo was taken. ISS033-E-011098 (9 Oct. 2012) – high res (1.4 M) low res (84 K)

One of the Expedition 33 crew members aboard the International Space Station took this night photo of Shenyang, China, located at 41.8 degrees north latitude and 123.43 degrees east longitude, alongside the smaller Sujiatun, China (center left). The orbital outpost was over a point centered at 40.4 degrees north latitude and 124.2 degrees east longitude when the photo was taken. ISS033-E-011098 (9 Oct. 2012) – high res (1.4 M) low res (84 K)

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.