Science and Exploration

Photo: Hanging Out in the Space Station Cupola

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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NASA astronaut Kevin Ford (lower right), Expedition 34 commander; along with Russian cosmonauts Evgeny Tarelkin (left) and Oleg Novitskiy, both flight engineers, pose for a photo in the Cupola of the International Space Station. The Canadarm2 robotic arm’s Latching End Effector (LEE) is visible through a window in the background. ISS034-E-010953 (27 Nov. 2012) – high res (2.1 M) low res (78 K)

NASA astronaut Kevin Ford (lower right), Expedition 34 commander; along with Russian cosmonauts Evgeny Tarelkin (left) and Oleg Novitskiy, both flight engineers, pose for a photo in the Cupola of the International Space Station. The Canadarm2 robotic arm’s Latching End Effector (LEE) is visible through a window in the background. ISS034-E-010953 (27 Nov. 2012) – high res (2.1 M) low res (78 K)

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.