Science and Exploration

Our Communications and Power Systems at Desert RATS

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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10 Sep 2010: HDU – Habitat Demonstration Unit (L) and GSW-7000 “Power Droid” at Desert RATS Base Camp

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10 Sep 2010: HDU – Habitat Demonstration Unit (L) and GSW-7000 “Power Droid” at Desert RATS Base Camp

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10 Sep 2010: GSW-7000 “Power Droid” at Desert RATS Base Camp showing banners from sponsors Challenger Center for Space Science Education and the Coalition for Space Exploration.

10 Sep 2010: GSW-7000 “Power Droid” at Desert RATS Base Camp showing banners from sponsors Challenger Center for Space Science Education and the Coalition for Space Exploration. Challenger Center board member and Desert RATS participant Keith Cowing hangs off of the tower.

10 Sep 2010: Challenger Center/Coalition for Space Exploration communicatiosn set up. On the left in the pickup truck is a .98 meter MotoSat satellite Internet system. On the right is the office trailer equipped with a HughesNet satellite Internet system.

This year’s education and public outreach activities by the Challenger Center for Space Science Education at NASA Desert RATS were supported by a generous grant from the Coalition for Space Exploration.

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.