Orbital Pathways For A Lunar-Ejecta Origin of the Near-Earth Asteroid Kamo`oalewa

The near-Earth asteroid, Kamo`oalewa (469219), is one of a small number of known quasi-satellites of Earth. Numerical simulations show that it transitions between quasi-satellite and horseshoe orbital states on centennial timescales, maintaining this dynamics over megayears.
The near-Earth asteroid, Kamo`oalewa (469219), is one of a small number of known quasi-satellites of Earth. Numerical simulations show that it transitions between quasi-satellite and horseshoe orbital states on centennial timescales, maintaining this dynamics over megayears.
Its reflectance spectrum suggest a similarity to lunar silicates. Considering its Earth-like orbit and its physical resemblance to lunar surface materials, we explore the hypothesis that it might have originated as a debris-fragment from a meteoroidal impact with the lunar surface.
We carry out numerical simulations of the dynamical evolution of particles launched from different locations on the lunar surface with a range of ejection velocities. As these ejecta escape the Earth-Moon environment and evolve into heliocentric orbits, we find that a small fraction of launch conditions yield outcomes that are compatible with Kamo`oalewa’s dynamical behavior.
The most favored conditions are launch velocities slightly above the escape velocity from the trailing lunar hemisphere.
Jose Daniel Castro-Cisneros, Renu Malhotra, Aaron J. Rosengren
Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Space Physics (physics.space-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:2304.14136 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:2304.14136v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
Submission history
From: Jose Daniel Castro-Cisneros
[v1] Thu, 27 Apr 2023 12:30:03 UTC (6,329 KB)