Science and Exploration

New Pointers To Deleted ISS Components

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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Keith’s note: Some new images were posted at tonight. Have a look this image. Specifically, look at the direction labels inside of Node 3 (“Tranquility”) that have been covered up (partially). On the right hand side of the image you can see an arrow that says “-> to HAB”. On the left hand side you can see directions “<- to CRV". “CRV” usually means “Crew Rescue (or Return) Vehicle”. “HAB” refers to the habitation module. Both of these things were deleted from the ISS program many years ago.

Keith’s note: Some new images were posted at tonight. Have a look this image. Specifically, look at the direction labels inside of Node 3 (“Tranquility”) that have been covered up (partially). On the right hand side of the image you can see an arrow that says “-> to HAB”. On the left hand side you can see directions “<- to CRV". “CRV” usually means “Crew Rescue (or Return) Vehicle”. “HAB” refers to the habitation module. Both of these things were deleted from the ISS program many years ago.

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.