Science and Exploration

NASA’s Administrator Uses Technology Better Than The Space Industry Does

By Keith Cowing
December 6, 2018
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NASA’s Administrator Uses Technology Better Than The Space Industry Does
Jim Bridenstine on Social Media

There was yet another space policy event in Washington, DC today aimed at another session of choir practice in an echo chamber by the proverbial usual suspects in the space policy clique.
Its an event by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce launching some sort of commercial space thing. Registration for the even closed a while back and only a few media representatives were allowed in. Of course, as is typical of these events the sponsors did not bother to webcast anything. Who cares. These events are all about talking about doing things instead of actually doing the things that they talk about.

Given that there is a Chamber of Commerce in virtually every community in America this could have been an excellent opportunity for the U.S. Chamber of commerce to go into grass roots mode and educate the remaining 99.999% of the population – the ones who pay taxes or work in companies that build space hardware. But no – these policy wonks are only interested in talking to each other and being quoted in trade publications that only they and their friends read.

But there was an exception to this cloistered event: NASA Administrator Bridenstine had someone on his staff stream his keynote speech live via their cellphone. He does things like this a lot. Much of it is spontaneous – and much of it is done on his cellphone by him using his own actual fingers. He gets it. There is no reason why any event anywhere cannot be shared with anyone, anywhere. So long as there is cellphone and/or WiFI access you have a means to reach a vast audience.

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SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.