Science and Exploration

NASA Internal Memo: Public release of ‘We Explore Space’ Concept Maps

By Marc Boucher
February 6, 2012
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NASA Internal Memo: Public release of ‘We Explore Space’ Concept Maps

We are pleased to notify you that the human space exploration project you graciously offered your time and expertise to support has been completed and is being released to the public at this very moment! You may launch into the “We Explore Space” concept maps from the NASA website.

On behalf of IHMC and NASA’s Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate, Dr. Alberto Canas and I would like to thank you for your invaluable contributions to this effort. You’ve enabled the richness of this project in numerous ways. Thank you to the subject matter experts who passionately provided the wisdom and knowledge of content (captured in cmaps and video interviews) that is the foundation of this product; the skilled architects who built the concept maps and were committed to their integrity and accuracy; the artists who captured and/or produced the fantastic, leading edge videos and images; and the information technology experts who programmed or otherwise enabled deployment on the internet and iPad. [Release of the ‘app’ is still in work.]

Since I’m writing this note, I also want to express my immense respect and gratitude to Dr. Canas for his leadership and expertise that transformed a phenomenal amount of invaluable information about space exploration into an expression that allows extensive learning by all. It has been a great experience to work with each of you on this unique project.

Let’s have a safe and productive year advancing our space exploration capabilities and discoveries!

Best regards,


Marguerite Broadwell
Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate
NASA Headquarters, 7X76

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.