Science and Exploration

MRO HiRISE Image of Mars: Iazu Crater

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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With Opportunity’s arrival to the rim of Endeavour Crater, we prepare for our science activities by using HiRISE to perform a reconnaissance of the surrounding craters. Not far to the south of Endeavour Crater lies Iazu Crater. The crater walls, which are better exposed than those of Endeavour, may provide a regional context for Opportunity’s studies.

With Opportunity’s arrival to the rim of Endeavour Crater, we prepare for our science activities by using HiRISE to perform a reconnaissance of the surrounding craters. Not far to the south of Endeavour Crater lies Iazu Crater. The crater walls, which are better exposed than those of Endeavour, may provide a regional context for Opportunity’s studies.

While it is in no way guaranteed that Opportunity will ever travel to Iazu Crater, the secrets revealed by taking this image may provide insight into the stratigraphy and structure of Endeavour Crater and help define the scientific campaign of Opportunity at Endeavour.

This caption is based on the original science rationale. Written by: HiRISE Science Team (31 August 2011) More images

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