Science and Exploration

Mini Research Module MRM1 Rassvet Prepared For Launch

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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The Mini Research Module MRM1 Rassvet, a new module for the Russian Segment of the International Space Station, continues to undergo its processing for launch at Kennedy Space Center. The photos below document its integration into the space shuttle cargo processing system.

The Mini Research Module MRM1 Rassvet, a new module for the Russian Segment of the International Space Station, continues to undergo its processing for launch at Kennedy Space Center. The photos below document its integration into the space shuttle cargo processing system.

April 22 2010. Kennedy Space Center, FL, USA – S.P.Korolev RSC Energia, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

In the end of March of this year specialists from S.P.Korolev RSC Energia working at KSC facilities have successfully completed electrical tests on the module, have loaded its pressurized compartment with gas, have checked pressure integrity of hatches and filling valves.

At the final phase of activities at the SPPF facility of Astrotech (formerly Spacehab), mounted on the module were the following elements of the Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM): the airlock and the radiative heat exchanger, thus forming the flight configuration of MRM1.

After the operations of weighing and designer’s inspection had been completed, on April 1 the module was placed on the transportation platform, and on April 3 it was delivered to SSPF facility, where the official ceremony of its handover to NASA specialists for subsequent integration with Space Shuttle took place.

After that, on April 16, the module, together with other payloads intended for the US segment of ISS and its modules developed by partners in the project, was delivered inside a transportation container to the launcher facility and transferred from the container into the clean room to await there the arrival of the Space Shuttle on the launch pad.

Currently, preparations are under way for conducting a joint test of the electrical interface between the Space Shuttle and MRM1.

For information: The launch of the US Space Shuttle that will carry MRM1 to ISS is scheduled for May 14, 2010. The launch of MLM – a future module within ISS RS – is planned for 2012. After MLM docks with ISS, the airlock and the radiative heat exchanger delivered within the flight configuration of MRM1 will be relocated in order to operate as parts of MLM.

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SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.