Science and Exploration

Mini Research Module MRM1 (Rassvet) Integration Begins

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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RSC Energia: Specialists from the S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia continue their work at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), FL, USA on the processing for launch of the Mini Research Module MRM1 (Rassvet). At the SPPF facility of the Astrotech company (formerly Spacehab) stand-alone electrical tests and leak tests of the module and the airlock which is to be delivered on it have by now been completed.

The work has started on preparing the airlock and the radiative heat exchanger for installation onto MRM1. These items will be structurally integrated with the module and delivered to the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (ISS) to await the docking of the Multi-Purpose Laboratory Module (MLM) with the space station. They will be transferred to MPL to operate as parts of that module.

The launch of the Rassvet module onboard the Space Shuttle is stipulated by an agreement between Russia and US under the ISS program and is scheduled for May 2010. The Multi-Purpose Laboratory Module is expected to be added to the space station in 2012.

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RSC Energia: Specialists from the S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia continue their work at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), FL, USA on the processing for launch of the Mini Research Module MRM1 (Rassvet). At the SPPF facility of the Astrotech company (formerly Spacehab) stand-alone electrical tests and leak tests of the module and the airlock which is to be delivered on it have by now been completed.

The work has started on preparing the airlock and the radiative heat exchanger for installation onto MRM1. These items will be structurally integrated with the module and delivered to the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (ISS) to await the docking of the Multi-Purpose Laboratory Module (MLM) with the space station. They will be transferred to MPL to operate as parts of that module.

The launch of the Rassvet module onboard the Space Shuttle is stipulated by an agreement between Russia and US under the ISS program and is scheduled for May 2010. The Multi-Purpose Laboratory Module is expected to be added to the space station in 2012.

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SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.