Science and Exploration

Images from a Desert RATS SEV Traverse

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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9 Sep 2010: Rover B Crew Stephanie Wilson (L) and Kelsey Young (R) return to their SEV after an EVA.

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9 Sep 2010: Rover B Crew Stephanie Wilson (L) and Kelsey Young (R) return to their SEV after an EVA.

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9 Sep 2010: Rover B Crew Stephanie Wilson (L) and Kelsey Young (R) confer on collected samples at the aft end of their SEV after an EVA.

9 Sep 2010: Rover B Crew member Kelsey Young prepares to re-enter the SEV after an EVA.

9 Sep 2010: Rover B stops to take a Gigapan image during a traverse.

This year’s education and public outreach activities by the Challenger Center for Space Science Education at NASA Desert RATS were supported by a generous grant from the Coalition for Space Exploration.

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.