Image: Utah’s Great Salt Lake As Seen From Space

The Great Salt Lake in Utah serves as a striking visual marker for the Expedition 30 crew members orbiting over the western states aboard the International Space Station. A sharp line across the lake’s center is caused by the restriction in water flow from the railroad causeway. The eye-catching colors of the lake stem from the fact that Great Salt Lake is hypersaline, typically 3-5 times saltier than the ocean. ISS030-E-034228 (14 Jan. 2012) — high res (1.6 M) low res (76 K)

The Great Salt Lake in Utah serves as a striking visual marker for the Expedition 30 crew members orbiting over the western states aboard the International Space Station. A sharp line across the lake’s center is caused by the restriction in water flow from the railroad causeway. The eye-catching colors of the lake stem from the fact that Great Salt Lake is hypersaline, typically 3-5 times saltier than the ocean. ISS030-E-034228 (14 Jan. 2012) — high res (1.6 M) low res (76 K)