Science and Exploration

Help Chose The Best Aerospace Innovation Challenge Public Service Announcement About NASA

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
Filed under

Please look at all six videos and then chose the one that best conveys its message. Your vote (and comments) will help judges select the best video for this course at Santa Clara University. The challenge given to students was:

Please look at all six videos and then chose the one that best conveys its message. Your vote (and comments) will help judges select the best video for this course at Santa Clara University. The challenge given to students was:

“NASA is at a crossroads.  With a new President and Administrator, we await a revitalized vision. The Shuttle nears retirement and Space Station utilization is low.  We debate sending humans to the Moon or to Mars, and we question whether human space flight should even be a priority.  Commercial development of space is poised to take off, and national priorities such as the economy, climate change, anti-terrorism, and health care compete for public money and attention.  Are investments in space and space technology still the path to a preeminent education system, to an innovation economy, to a secure and globally prominent country?  Your task, the second in the SCU Aerospace Innovation Challenge, is to develop a 1 minute YouTube video to excite the public, especially your own generation, about NASA and the challenges – and opportunities – that it faces.”

You can also post written comments here. Please be certain to identify which team’s video you are referring to. For further information, please contact Dr. Kitts at ckitts @

Here are the videos please watch them all and then vote below. The poll closes Friday, 20 November, at midnight.

  1. Video 1: Team Zenith
  2. Video 2: Team Limit Does Not Exist
  3. Video 3: Team B.E.A.R.
  4. Video 4: Team Sublime Paradigm
  5. Video 5: Team Awesome-O
  6. Video 6: Platinum Platypi

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.