Emerging Space: The Next Industrial Revolution – AIAA Space 2014

At this years AIAA Space 2014 conference a panel of experts from industry and government discussed Emerging Space: The Next Industrial Revolution.
The availability of the International Space Station and the corresponding improved access to and from LEO has ushered in the start of a new entrepreneurial renaissance. In addition
there are companies exploring revolutionary approaches to Earth observation, space manufacturing, and resource utilization of the lunar and asteroidal material. This panel will explore the broad sweep of possible applications as well as looking at how these companies could combine to form a new commercial space ecosystem.
Moderator: Robert Pittman, Chief System Engineer, NASA Space Portal
– Daniel Faber, Chief Executive Officer, Deep Space Industries
– Robert P. Hoyt, CEO & Chief Scientist, Tethers Unlimited Inc.
– Aaron Kemmer, CEO, Made in Space, Inc.
– Justin Kugler, Business Development Manager, CASIS
– Col Gregory Johnson, USAF (Ret.), President and Executive Director, CASIS
– Jeffrey Manber, Managing Director, NanoRacks