Science and Exploration

Desert RATS Mission Day 2: Crew Blog

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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Chris Looper: “Mission Day 2 is drawing to a close and I have to say it has been better than a typical day in the office. I feel very fortunate to be able to participate in the Desert RATS testing. I have spent my career as an engineer at NASA testing and working operations of Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA) hardware for the International Space Station.” More.

Jim Rice: “Today was another fantastic day onboard Rover Alpha! We conducted two really exciting Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVAs) where we observed, documented and sampled a new type of lava flow, different from the ones we saw on day one. On our second EVA, we sampled yet another type of lava flow, which also appeared to be the youngest lava flow seen thus far.” More.
Chris Looper: “Mission Day 2 is drawing to a close and I have to say it has been better than a typical day in the office. I feel very fortunate to be able to participate in the Desert RATS testing. I have spent my career as an engineer at NASA testing and working operations of Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA) hardware for the International Space Station.” More.

Jim Rice: “Today was another fantastic day onboard Rover Alpha! We conducted two really exciting Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVAs) where we observed, documented and sampled a new type of lava flow, different from the ones we saw on day one. On our second EVA, we sampled yet another type of lava flow, which also appeared to be the youngest lava flow seen thus far.” More.

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.