Cybersecurity in Space Systems – AIAA Space 2014

At this years AIAA Space 2014 conference a panel of experts from industry and government discussed the Cybersecurity in Space Systems.
How can we better protect systems from cyber attack? How can we detect that our system is under attack, or has been attacked? All systems need to be able to answer these questions. Spacecraft missions have some unique aspects to cybersecurity, given the
space/ground/link architecture. Civilian, national security, and commercial spacecraft systems all have their own unique issues and concerns. To make them more resilient, cybersecurity needs to be “baked in from the beginning” for new missions and also
“bolted on” to legacy systems. This panel will discuss the current situation and efforts to solve the hard problems for protecting space systems.
Moderator: David B. LaVallee, Senior Project Lead, Space Sector, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
– Chuck Boeckman, Chief Engineer, Defense and Homeland Security Department, The MITRE Corporation
– Franklin Hughey, Director, Cyber Operations & Protection Department, The Aerospace Corporation
– Kymie Tan, Systems Engineer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
– Howard Weiss, Technical Director, Parsons