Science and Exploration

Close-up Photos: Progress 46 Cargo Droid Departs From the Space Station

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
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The trash-filled ISS Progress 46 spacecraft departs from the International Space Station on April 19, 2012. Russian flight controllers will command the Progress 46 for several days of tests, and then send it to burn up in Earth’s atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean. ISS030-E-238823 (19 April 2012) – high res (0.6 M) low res (34 K)

The trash-filled ISS Progress 46 spacecraft departs from the International Space Station on April 19, 2012. Russian flight controllers will command the Progress 46 for several days of tests, and then send it to burn up in Earth’s atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean. ISS030-E-238823 (19 April 2012) – high res (0.6 M) low res (34 K)

A close-up view of the docking mechanism of the unpiloted ISS Russian Progress 46 spacecraft is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 30 crew member as Progress departs from the International Space Station. ISS030-E-238803 (19 April 2012) – high res (1.5 M) low res (106 K)

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.