Bolden and Garver Confirmed By Senate for Top NASA Posts

This evening the Senate voted to confirm Charles Bolden as NASA Administrator and
Lori Garver as Deputy NASA Administrator by unanimous consent. The
request was made on the Senate floor by Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL).
Sen. Nelson, using his Twitter account said: “Charlie Bolden just confirmed by Senate as nation’s new space czar. He’s perfect to keep America leading in space, science and technology … I’ve known Charlie Bolden the better part of a quarter century, since he was my pilot on the space shuttle in 1986 … Naval academy grad, Marine test pilot, astronaut, general – Charlie will bring back the magic from a time when we rode rockets to the moon”
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) issued a statement saying “The swift confirmation of General Bolden and Ms. Garver clears the way for them to be sworn in and begin assuming their responsibilities. Their nomination and confirmation come at a critical time for the agency and America’s civil space programs. Key decisions will be made in the next few months which will, literally, determine whether our country will retain and expand its long-standing leadership role in space exploration.”