Science and Exploration

America’s Other Space Program Is Very Cool

By Keith Cowing
May 24, 2013
Filed under

Keith’s note: The USAF claims “its not science fiction”. So, of course I believe them. Wow, who knew! The USAF has mega comsat battlestars in orbit, their ops personnel wear sleek imperial empire costumes, and they even use the metric system too! Yet when NASA tries to do some harmless education and public outreach, Congress cuts their PAO budget and prohibits them from “lobbying”. But wait – there’s more (below)

Keith’s note: The USAF claims “its not science fiction”. So, of course I believe them. Wow, who knew! The USAF has mega comsat battlestars in orbit, their ops personnel wear sleek imperial empire costumes, and they even use the metric system too! Yet when NASA tries to do some harmless education and public outreach, Congress cuts their PAO budget and prohibits them from “lobbying”. But wait – there’s more (below)

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.