Science and Exploration

NASA Solicitation: Space Launch System Advanced Development

By Marc Boucher
February 2, 2012
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NASA Solicitation: Space Launch System Advanced Development

NASA MSFC intends to issue a Draft NASA Research Announcement (NRA) on or about February 1, 2012, entitled “Space Launch System (SLS) Advanced Development” for comment by industry and academia.
Synopsis – Jan 25, 2012

General Information

Solicitation Number: SLS-AD-00-NNM12ZPS002N
Posted Date: Jan 25, 2012
FedBizOpps Posted Date: Jan 25, 2012
Recovery and Reinvestment Act Action: No
Original Response Date: Mar 01, 2012
Current Response Date: Mar 01, 2012
Classification Code: A — Research and Development
NAICS Code: 541712
Set-Aside Code:

Contracting Office Address

NASA/George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Procurement Office, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) intends to issue a Draft NASA Research Announcement (NRA) on or about February 1, 2012, entitled “Space Launch System (SLS) Advanced Development” for comment by industry and academia through March 1, 2012. The NRA will be in support of the SLS Program and will solicit proposals from both industry and academia for innovative development concepts in key technology areas. These concepts should improve SLS affordability, reliability or performance within a constrained fiscal schedule. In addition to soliciting innovative proposals from industry, this NRA is also seeking focused proposals from academia. Including academia provides an added benefit of improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.

NASA is seeking innovative proposals in both broad and focused areas of interest or topics. The topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Advanced Development for Block Upgrades, Concept Development, and the Integrated Vehicle
* Advanced Development in Propulsion
* Advanced Development in Manufacturing, Structures, and Materials
* Advanced Development in Avionics and Software

Multiple awards are anticipated considering the merits of the submitted proposals in relationship to the evaluation criteria and available funds.

The total funding anticipated being available and split among industry awards and academic awards made against this NRA is $40,000,000. Of this total amount, the total funding anticipated is $20,000,000 for the base year and $10,000,000 per year for up to two 1 year options. Of this total yearly amount, the total funding anticipated being available and split among academic awards made against this NRA is $1,500,000 per year. Individual academic awards are expected to be $250,000 or less per year.

NASA anticipates multiple awards to both industry and academia, but reserves the right to make no award if no acceptable proposals are received. The period of performance for contracts or grants awarded from this NRA is anticipated from October 2012 through March 2013, with 2 one- year options.

Participation in this program is open to all categories of U.S. organizations, including educational institutions, industry, and nonprofit institutions. Other Government agencies, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), and NASA Centers or their employees may not propose to this NRA unless functioning as permissible as a supplier, consultant, or subcontractor through separate agreement mechanisms such as Space Act Agreements. NASA employees are not permitted to be key personnel on these proposals.

For purposes of this NRA, participation by non-U.S. organizations and Foreign Governments is limited to the direct purchase of supplies and/or services, which do not constitute research except as allowed by NASA FAR Supplement 1852.235-72. A foreign national may receive payment through a NASA award for the conduct of research while employed either full or part time by a U.S. organization.

Offerors are hereby informed that technical investigation in the fields covered by this NRA may require access to technical data, the export of which is controlled under the Export Control Act, Title 50, United States Code App. 2401-20, the Arms Export Control Act, Title 22, United States Code 2751 – 2794 or both. No award will be made to any Offeror unless the NASA Contracting Officer is satisfied that performance of the awarded effort will not involve an illegal export of technical data under either statute. All presentations, charts, publications, journals, or other data which may fall under the Export Control Act or limited exclusive rights of data, shall be submitted to the MSFC Intellectual Property Officer or Contracting Officer Representative (COR) for subsequent approval.

This NRA will not include goals for small business; however, subcontracting plans will be required for Offerors selected for award that submit a proposal totaling $650,000 or greater.

Industry and academia are encouraged to submit questions on the draft NRA as they are formulated and not to hold submittal of questions until March 1, 2012. Questions received during this time period will not be answered individually but will be addressed within the issuance of the final NRA release.

Release of the final NRA is tentatively planned for the mid to late March 2012.

In addition, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) will be holding an Industry day at the MSFC for the SLS Advanced Development activity. The industry day will be held at MSFC’s Morris Auditorium, February 14, 2012, 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. with registration from 7:30 a.m. through 9:15 a.m.

Participation for the Industry Day is limited to four individuals, respectively, per interested party. For access to MSFC, interested parties should provide the following information for each participant via email to Ms. Monica Heidelberg at NLT Tuesday, February 7, 2012. Please note there is a one month clearance time required for security screening of foreign nationals for access to the MSFC.

MSFC Access Information

1) Full name as shown on Drivers License 2) State 3) Primary Citizenship 4) Organization Visiting MSFC

Point of Contact

Name: Monica D Heidelberg
Title: Contracting Officer
Phone: 256-544-2168
Fax: 256-544-4400

Name: Jennifer B. McCaghren
Title: Contracting Officer
Phone: 256-544-5189
Fax: 256-544-4400

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.