
Workshop To Examine NASA’s Mars Exploration Program

By Keith Cowing
June 13, 2000
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Mars According to a NASA website “NASA is sponsoring a workshop at the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) in Houston, Texas July 18–20, 2000.” This workshop is being held “in order to cast a wide net for capturing ideas and potential participants for missions, mission elements, and experiments that fit within the broadly defined scope of this program.

The workshop is open to scientists, engineers, technologists, and other colleagues from academia, NASA centers, federal laboratories, the private sector, and international partners.

The intent of the workshop is to provide an open forum for presentation, discussion, and consideration of various concepts, options, and innovations associated with a strategy for Mars exploration. This strategy not only highlights “life, climate, and resources,” calling for “following the water” as part of a “quest for life,” but also includes studies of the martian environment as it relates to short- and long-term human presence. “

° Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration website, NASA

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.