Why Is Space Exploration Important? In 12 Seconds, please.

Editor’s note: Have a look at this page at 12seconds.tv – it is Ariel Waldman’s page. Ariel is a quasi-famous Gen Y blogger and “digital anthropologist” in Silicon Valley who recently started to work at NASA ARC.
Check out the 12 second videos. Yea, can’t do much in 12 seconds, right? It’s just like Twitter. 140 characters. How profound can you get with such constraints? But wait – just like the telegrams used by a previous generation, doesn’t that forced brevity make you pause and think about your words and what you really NEED to say?
For you NASA folks – recall that dumb phrase you hear at NASA i.e. the “elevator speech” – what would you say to someone about what you are doing at NASA if you only had an elevator ride for a few floors to make your point. Consider this an online example – with video.
Join up – i.e. ask for an invitation to join – and send us your links for your 12 second videos: why is space exploration important, why does your job matter, or whatever you think needs to be said.