Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight
A total lunar eclipse will occur tonight as the Earth moves between the sun and the Moon. Where you are on Earth will determine if you’ll see this eclipse and when you will see it. Totality – i.e. complete coverage of the moon by Earth’s shadow will last 62 minutes.
According to NASA GSFC: “The total phase of January’s eclipse will not be visible from the U.S. since it occurs before moonrise. Observers in the northeastern U.S. (i.e. New England) will be able to see the final stages of the partial phases just as the Moon rises at sunset. For Canadians in the Atlantic provinces (Labrador, New Brunswick,
Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and eastern Quebec), the Moon rises in total eclipse. Strong evening twilight will interfer with eclipse watching until
the sky grows dark enoungh. By then, the total phase will be over for most obeservers. Nevertheless, Canadians will enjoy a better view of the final partial phases than
their American neighbors to the south.
Europe, Africa and Asia are better positioned to observe the entire eclipse, weather permitting. Central Australia’s viewing conditions are similar to Canada’s except that
the Moon is setting during totality instead of rising. Western Australia is better favored since totality occurs earlier before morning twilight interferes.”
Related links
° Total Lunar Eclipse: January 9, 2001, NASA GSFC (inlcudes a world map to see if your location on Earth will allow a view of the eclipse)
° Lunar Eclipse Computer, US Naval Observatory (lets you see if you will be able to see tonight’s eclipse in the Eastern U.S.)
° Lunar Eclipses for Beginners
° How to Photograph a Lunar Eclipse, Sky and Telescope