Powerful Solar Storm Strikes Earth
According to the NOAA Space Environment Center: “The ACE spacecraft, located approximately one million miles towards the Sun, detected a fast-moving ejection in the solar wind at approximately 10:00 AM MDT today (1600 UT on April 6). This structure is believed to have been launched from the Sun late on April 4. The Earth’s magnetic field responded shortly thereafter, and major storm conditions are now occurring at all latitudes. It is expected that this storm will continue for the next 24-36 hours. Significant impacts on terrestrial systems include some electrical power systems, spacecraft operations, and communications and navigation systems. In terms of the New NOAA Space Weather Scales, this storm may reach category G3 (strong) level.” Subsequent reports on 7 April note that the storm has now subsided.
° Space Weather Bulletin #00- 2, 6 April 2000, NOAA
° NOAA/USAF Report of Solar-Geophysical Activity, 6 April
° NOAA/USAF Report of Solar-Geophysical Activity, 7 April
° Space Environment Center
° ACE Real Time Solar Wind, SpaceRef Directory
° Geophysics And Solar Science MIssions, SpaceRef Directory