
NASA’s Shuttle Program Moves One Step Closer to Launch

By Keith Cowing
June 24, 2005
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NASA’s Shuttle Program Moves One Step Closer to Launch

NASA held a media teleconference this afternoon to discuss the status of preparations for the STS -114 mission.

NASA Space Shuttle Program Manager Bill Parsons discussed the STS-114 Delta Re-verification Review which was held today. The original verification review was held 6 weeks ago.

Parsons said “at the end of the day the recommendation of the board was that we proceed with a launch. I accepted that recommendation. The FRR (Fight Readiness Review) for STS-114 will occur next week Wednesday and Thursday.”

It is at this meeting that a launch date will be set.

The launch window for STS-114 extends from 13 to 31 July 2005.

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.