NASA Announces Names for Twin Mars Rovers

At a ceremony this morning at NASA Kennedy Space Center, Administrator Sean O’Keefe and Sofi Collis, a third grader from Scottsdale, Arizona announced the names of the twin Mars rovers: “Spirit” and “Opportunity”.
Sofi was born in Siberia and was adopted at the age of 2 by American parents. In introducing her, O’Keefe made note of Sofi’s “dual heritage” from the two most prominent space-faring nations.
Sofi said that she had gotten her inspiration by looking up at the stars at night and the realization that in America, anything can be accomplished.
The rovers’ names were selected from more than 10,000 suggestions submitted by American school children. The process was supervised by the Planetary Society and the LEGO company.
“Spirit” is due to be launched this afternoon. “Opportunity” is scheduled for launch on 25 June. Both rovers will travel to Mars and land early next year.