Massive Solar Flare Observed; Severe Geomagetic Storm Expected on Saturday
14 July 2000 UPDATE: According to the NOAA Space Environment Center:”A large, complex sunspot group has produced one of the largest solar flares and associated radiation storms seen in recent years. The flare peaked at 4:24 a.m. MDT (1024 UTC) on July 14 and resulted in a radio blackout that reached R3 (strong) levels and a solar radiation storm that reached S3 (strong) levels. The solar radiation storm, which continues at the time of this advisory, is the largest observed since October, 1989.”
Images from NASA’s SOHO/LASCO spacecraft showed that a large, fast-moving coronal mass ejection (CME) followed the flare and is
headed Earthward. NOAA space weather forecasters predict that the CME will impact the Earth’s magnetic field on Saturday afternoon and will
cause a geomagnetic storm that is expected to reach category G3 (strong) to G4 (severe) levels. The radiation and geomagnetic storms are
expected to produce adverse effects on spacecraft operations, power systems, high-frequency radio communications, and low-frequency
navigation signals. In addition, the geomagnetic storm is expected to produce aurora displays that will be visible over much of the U.S.”
13 July 2000: Earth is currently in the midst of a significant solar storm. A large solar wind disturbance hit the Earth’s atmosphere at 5:40 AM EDT today and another is expected to hit tomorrow. Several radio blackouts have already occurred. This bombardment of the Earth’s atmosphere is expected to lead to some significant auroral displays this evening. This series of events began after a coronal mass ejection on the sun between 10-11 July. The sunspot group responsible for these flares is referred to as Region 9077.
Related Links
° Radiation Storm Occurs, Magentic Storm Predicted 14 July 2000, NOAA SEC
° Space Weather Alerts and Warnings Issued in the last 24 Hours, NOAA SEC
° NOAA/UASF Report of Solar-Geophysical Activity 14 July 2000, NOAA SEC
° NOAA/USAF Report of Solar-Geophysical Activity 13 July 2000
° NOAA SEC Space Weather Alerts and Warnings Issued in the last 24 Hours
° SEC Space Weather Advisory: Strong Solar Flares Occur
° Space Weather Now, NOAA
° Sun Flare Heads for Earth,
Background Information
° ACE Real Time Solar Wind, SpaceRef Directory
° Geophysics And Solar Science MIssions, SpaceRef Directory