Mars Arctic Research Station Effort Underway
Members of the Mars Society’s Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station team have begun to assemble in the Canadian Arctic for this summer’s field season on Devon Island.
Bad weather forced a several day layover in the town of Resolute. On a side trip to Elsemere Island, the team flew over Devon Island and Haughton Crater, the location of the Haughton Mars Research Project and the eventual location of the Mars Arctic Research Station.
Meanwhile, after a final assembly test outside of Boulder, Colorado, the Mars Artic Research Station has been disassembled and is being trucked to a staging area in preparation for air shipment to Devon Island.
Related Links
° Mars Camp Gets Underway in Arctic,
° Discovery Channel and Mars Society Announce Joint Arctic Program, press release
° The Mars Society
° Discovery Channel
° Discovery Channel to Sponsor Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, joint press release
° Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, Mars Society
° University of Colorado M.A.R.S. Interactive Web Site
° Haughton-Mars Project 2000
Background Information
° Haughton-Mars Project Announces Media Field Visit Opportunity, NASA
° Mars Society Tries the Cousteau Approach for Research Funding, SpaceRef
° Secures Naming Rights to M.A.R.S, press release, Mars Society
° Contractor Selected for Mars Arctic Research Station, Mars Society press release