
International Astronautical Congress Quick Bits for Tuesday, September 28

By Marc Boucher
September 28, 2010
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International Astronautical Congress Quick Bits for Tuesday, September 28
International Astronautical Congress Quick Bits for Tuesday, September 28

— At the 2nd Plenary: Impact of Governments’ Space Policy Changes on Industry saw a limited government view as only the European Space Agency and a Japanese representatives were available. On the industry side were five representatives from the United States, Japan and Europe (3). Industry reps cited “uncertainty” in the current market making things difficult and there is no current business model for the changes underway in the US. The plenary time was an hour and half but it was obvious given more time the the panel could have discussed a lot more. (Details to follow in a separate article by SpaceRef)

— Canadian Space Agency representative Jean-Claude Piedboeuf mentions that a final Canadian Strategic Exploration Plan will be released internally in March, 2011 but does not know if the Canadian Government will release it publicly. (Details to follow in a separate article by SpaceRef)

— From Ken Davidian at the “Encouragement of Government Purchasing from Commercial Providers: Models and Examples session.

On Erin Dinardi’s paper from SpaceX: COTS paradigm as a model for govt/comm’l engagement – SpaceX “plans to develop a 3rd launch site at Vandenberg. COTS is best example of new acquisition paradigm. COTS is a capability demomstration agreement. Not a contract. Key points: not a contract … It’s a space act agreement. Performnce-based milestone payments.”

Surrey Satellite unveils high-resolution space project

“A $100m pound project has been announced to launch three new British spacecraft to image the surface of the Earth. The satellites, to be orbited in 2013, will be able to see details down to one metre at their best resolution. It is a commercial venture between the spacecraft manufacturer Surrey Satellite Technology Limited and its data processing subsidiary, DMCii.”

— The Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos announced it would Hold More than 10 Meetings with the Other Space Agencies during IAC-2010

“More than 10 meetings with the leading space agencies are in Roscosmos’ schedule for the 61st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 27 September to 1 October 2010, under the theme: “Space for human benefit and exploration”, Head of Russian Federal Space Agency Anatoly Perminov said questioned by news media during the IAC opening ceremony this morning.”

— It was announced Beijing, China would host the 64th International Astronautical Congress in 2013

This story is part of a special presentation by SpaceRef on The 61st International Astronautical Congress. For more news during the congress please visit our special page at:

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.