
Installation of Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station Outer Panels Completed

By Keith Cowing
July 23, 2000
Filed under

Hab Shell Complete According to the Mars Society: “Early this evening after a long but great day the construction team finished erecting the 12 side panels. The biggest challenge is behind us. In three days we have seen what some said could not be done. Day 1 saw two panels go up, day 2 saw 4 panels go up, and today, day 3, 6 panels were put up. Tremendous thanks must go to Frank Schubert, Matt Smola and the whole construction team. They have done an outstanding job so far. Tomorrow work starts on the floors. When that is done the roof will go up.”

The Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station project, which will cost $1.3 million to operate over a 5 year period, seeks to construct and operate a facility modeled
after a Mars lander spacecraft that would carry humans and place it in the Canadian arctic where it will serve as a base for
ongoing scientific research. Funding for the project has been provided by Flashline.com, the Steve and Michele Kirsch
Foundation, FINDS (the Foundation for the Non-governmental Development of Space), Bushnell Sports Optics, and the
members of the Mars Society.

Related Lnks

° LIVE webcam from Haughton Crater

° Mars on Earth: Summer 2000 Field Season – SpaceRef Special Feature

Background Information

° Mars Camp Gets Underway in Arctic, Discovery.com

° Discovery Channel and Mars Society Announce Joint Arctic Program, press release

° The Mars Society

° Discovery Channel

° Discovery Channel to Sponsor Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, joint press release

° Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, Mars Society

° University of Colorado M.A.R.S. Interactive Web Site
° Haughton-Mars Project 2000

° Haughton-Mars Project Announces Media Field Visit Opportunity, NASA

° Mars Society Tries the Cousteau Approach for Research Funding, SpaceRef

° Flashline.com Secures Naming Rights to M.A.R.S, press release, Mars Society

° Contractor Selected for Mars Arctic Research Station, Mars Society press release

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.