
Home Movies of Amazon.Com Founder’s Spaceship Are Now Online

By Keith Cowing
January 3, 2007
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Home Movies of Amazon.Com Founder’s Spaceship Are Now Online

Some very cool images and video of a test launch of the private space launch test vehicle named “Goddard” Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos has been building have been posted online. The first flight took place on 13 November 2006.

One video shows a close up shot of the first launch which reached a maximum altitude of “about 285 feet”. Another shot shows video taken through a fisheye lens.

Another video – taken by a camera on the vehicle shows how the vehicle controls its orientation during flight. Another video shot shows the trip up and down – from a camera aboard the vehicle pointing toward the ground – and yet another camera angle shows the view looking outward from the vehicle toward the horizon.

Blue origin completed a Commercial Launch Site Environmental Assessment in June 2006 and the FAA gave its approval in September 2006.

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.