Hibernation gene found – possible applications for long space missions?
[08 Feb 2000]
“Scientists have discovered genes for hibernation in humans. The discovery could pave the way for human hibernation of the kind foreshadowed for astronauts in the 30-year-old film “2001: A Space Odyssey”.
Human hibernation would make ultralong-haul space travel feasible, with crews effectively put to sleep for months, or even years, by triggering the hibernation genes that man’s distant ancestors used millions of years ago to sleep through hostile winters.”
° Full story from the Sunday Times (London)
“Dr. Matthew Andrews and his research team have identified and mapped two genes for enzymes that play important roles in hibernation in ground
squirrels, and have discovered that these genes are nearly identical to ones found in nonhibernating mammals, including humans.”
° Press release, North Carolina State University