
First Three Paradrops Successfully Made at Haughton Crater

By Keith Cowing
July 5, 2000
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Paradrop at Haughton Crater A Hercules C-130 (“Herc”) transport has successfully made the first three paradrops of equipment and supplies at Haughton Crater on Devon Island.

This summer the closest thing to being on Mars will be happening in Canada. A number of research projects geared towards astrobiology, geology, and human factors research will take place at several locations in the Canadian arctic this summer.

In SpaceRef’s latest “Focus On” feature, we’ll be looking at three of them over the course of the summer.

° Mars on Earth: Summer 2000 Field Season

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.