
Final Planning for New National Space and Satellite Alliance Almost Complete

By Keith Cowing
November 28, 2003
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Final Planning for New National Space and Satellite Alliance Almost Complete
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A number of space advocacy and aerospace industry associations are working toward the creation of a new, formal alliance. The new entity would be called the National Space and Satellite Alliance (NSSA) and would be comprised of the Space Foundation, National Space Society,
Satellite Industry Association, Washington Space Business Roundtable, Space
Day, and the Aerospace States Association.

If all goes according to plan all of these organizations, while still remaining independent organizations, would join forces under the umbrella of NSSA. They would also all move into a new central office in Washington, D.C. – possibly within walking distance of the White House complex.

Among other benefits of joing together organizationally, these groups would also benefit by virtue of sharing the same office on a day to day basis.

No specific date for reaching a final agreement has emerged, but progress seems to be focused towards completing the planning by the end of 2003.

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.