
Delayed ISS National Lab CAN Released by NASA

By Keith Cowing
February 15, 2011
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Delayed ISS National Lab CAN Released by NASA

At the ISS National Laboratory Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Public Day on 10 December 2010, Mark Uhran said that the CAN would be released on 14 January 2011. According to Uhran letters of intent would be due on 14 February 2011, proposals due 4 March 2011, with an award in May 2011.

The CAN was released today – one month late. The release date slipped one month but the award date has slipped 2 months. No email notice has been sent out nor notice made on the ISS National Lab website. Notices of Intent are due on 4 March, proposals are due on 1 April, the anticipated selection announcement is 31 May, and the anticipated award date is 1 July. You can find the CAN and associated files here.

In his remarks at the ISS National Laboratory Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Public Day, Mark Uhran said that NASA had roped off some of the most interesting stuff (human space physiology and spacecraft testing and engineering) as being off limits to proposers. Anyone proposing to do this will be considered “non-responsive” (his words). Oddly, these are two of the most promising uses of the ISS – the sorts of things that a lot of people would like to use the ISS for. No mention is made in this CAN as to whether Uhran’s statement is indeed true or binding on proposers. If it is, one would think that it would be listed in the CAN itself. If it is not, then one would think that NASA would issue a clarification to those people in attendance at the event on 10 December.

Release of ISS National Lab CAN Delayed, earlier post
The ISS Sales Pitch Is Starting to Get Stale, earlier post
Using the ISS: Once Again NASA Has Been Left in the Dust, earlier post
NASA’s Slow Motion Reluctance To Truly Open Up The ISS, earlier post (with additional links)

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.