
Canadian Space Agency Announces Spaceflight Research Opportunity

By Marc Boucher
June 7, 2001
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On the heels of the Canadian Space Agency’s recent announcement of a major expansion of its space exploration program comes this new announcement of opportunity. Researchers have until June 28th to submit a letter of intent for their life science experiment. Successful proposals will be flown between 2004 and 2006 and have maximum annual funding of $100,000 for up to three years. Experiments must take advantage of existing flight hardware. There will be no funding for the development of new spaceflight hardware.

The Canadian Space Agency is interested in projects that deal with the following areas of interest:

    1. Bone Demineralization
    2. Muscle Atrophy
    3. Cardiovascular Physiology
    4. Metabolism
    5. Developmental Biology
    6. Radiation Biology
    7. Radiation Dosimetry
    8. Neurophysiology

This announcement is also being released simultaneously by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA), European Space Agency (ESA), French Space Agency (CNES), the German Space Agency (DLR) and Ukrainian Space Agency. Each agency is responsible for the support of successful proposals within its jurisdiction.

Related Links

  • Canadian Space Agency: International program of spaceflight research

  • International Life Sciences Research Announcement: Research Opportunities for Flight Experiments in Space Life Sciences (ILSRA-2001)

  • A Canadian Martian Scientific Wish List

  • Allons-y! Canadian Space Agency Announces Major Mars Initiative
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