Canada Charts New Space Exploration Course
Last week the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) outlined to
industry, academia, and advocacy groups its vision of
Canada’s role in future space exploration. The event was
The Second Canadian Space Exploration Workshop held in
Calgary, Alberta.
It now appears that the Canadian Government is determined
to be recognized as a space player. The CSA has been newly
manadated by the Canadian Government to develop space
exploration activities. The CSA has seen its budget raised
by C$430 million of new funds allocated over the next
three years.
Canada has a long history of involvement in space and was
the third nation into space with the highly succcesful
satellite Alouette-1 which was launched in 1962. Recently
Julie Payette was the first Canadian on the new
International Space Station and Canada is participating in
the Japanese Nozomi
Mars mission.
A panel of distinguished speakers discuss their respective agencies future space exploration missions. |
The new budget, approved earlier this year, will see 13% allocated to space science. The increase in the space science budget will allow Canada to participate in more robotic missions. Already the CSA has had its associate membership in the European Space Agency renewed and is currently negotiating with NASA to participate in the Mars Sample Return mission slated to start in 2003. |
As Canada heads into the new millennium its space
exploration future is bright with at least one new
significant mission to be announced in the coming months.