Baruch Samuel Blumberg 1925-2011

Keith’s note: I learned with profound sadness last night that Baruch Blumberg died suddenly yesterday. He was in a small meeting focused upon how to move humanity off this world onto others. His passing was swift – and true to form he was enthused and learning up until his last breath.
Barry was one of those people you only meet once in a lifetime. He was truly a transcendent person – as humble as he was accomplished. Barry was a true Renaissance man in every sense – one who I was deeply honored to call a friend. And he counted many, many people among his friends.
I spent more than one dinner with him, talking about biochemistry, cattle ranching, rock climbing in Wales when he was in his 60s – he even visited Devon Island at an age when most folks have given up travelling altogether.
Barry was a Nobel Laureate and was the first director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. NASA has never enticed anyone finer to join its ranks. Barry’s choice for NAI went vastly beyond the norm – and Dan Goldin was the one who made that choice. Goldin entered into another realm of inspiration when he picked Barry to run NAI (Barry had a habit of doing that to people) and that decision will affect the course of Astrobiology for decades to come.
I managed to reach Dan Goldin on Barry’s passing. He told me “The world has lost a great man. Barry saved lives through his research on the Hepatitis B virus. He also inspired a whole generation of people world wide through his work in building the NASA Astrobiology Institute. On a personal level, he improved my life through his friendship. Our planet is an improved place as a result of Barry’s few short days in residence.”
Sean O’Keefe told me this morning that Blumberg “impressed me as a man whose humility was only surpassed by his capacity to inspire a new generation of scientists to pursue the human passion to want to learn from everything around us. He truly was a remarkable man.”
NASA is placing the work of another Nobel Laureate (AMS) on-orbit in a few weeks. Maybe something reminiscent of Barry Blumberg could be placed on it … it would be fitting since Barry truly did know something about everything and yet still sought to learn more up until his last moments on this planet.
Ad Astra, Barry.
– Astrobiology at T+5 Years, Baruch S. Blumberg and Keith Cowing, Ad Astra Magazine
– Web of Stories – Baruch Blumberg – A field trip to Devon Island (video)