
Anyone Can Now Petition The White House For a Space Shuttle

By Keith Cowing
October 24, 2011
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Anyone Can Now Petition The White House For a Space Shuttle

It seems that the folks from Ohio managed to get the 5,000 signatures needed to get the White House to respond to their petition to have Space Shuttle Enterprise moved to Ohio instead of New York. The rules for this petition system have changed effective 3 October so you now need 15,000 signatures before the White House will respond. All the White House promises to do is respond when a petition reaches a certain threshold. But it does get their attention.

So, Seattle and Houston (and other contenders) why not try this route yourself? Imagine if every visitor to the Museum of Flight or Space Center Houston were given a card with a website address or a QR code that takes them to a similar petition asking that Enterprise be sent to their location. Local papers could also donate free advertising. At some point, e.g. naming things in space after Stephen Colbert, it is possible that some rethinking might be applied to where Enterprise shows up.

Here’s how you set up a petition at WhiteHouse.gov.

Indeed, why shouldn’t other locations who did not apply before give it a try? New York won and yet it doesn’t even own the property upon which it wants to exhibit Enterprise.

Dayton Uses New White House Online Petition Process To Get A Shuttle, earlier story

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.