XA/EVA Project Office Weekly Activity Report December 7, 2000
In-Suit Doppler (ISD) Status
The status of the In-Suit Doppler (ISD) project was presented at the December 1, 2000, EVA CCB. Implementation of the In-Suit Doppler hardware is desired by 8A. The contractor responsible for the ISD, Wyle Laboratories, has indicated the hardware can be ready.
Three options were presented for continuing with the project. There are significant concerns/open questions for each option.
A review team was assigned and was asked to return to the EVA CCB on December 15, 2000, with the question remaining open regarding the decision pending the use of alkaline batteries inside the EMU, and the ROM’s and schedules from Wyle and the Engineering Directorate.
EMU Certification to the ISS Requirements.
The EVA community, in support of STS-98 (5A), signed the final revision of the Government Certification Approval Request (GCAR) documenting the certification of the EMU to the Space Station requirements. SR&QA met with Hamilton Sundstrand and Engineering Directorate personnel to review all documentation related to the certification of the EMU for use on the International Space Station. The community approved the complete certification report package for the required environments of 369 days duty cycle.
5A Launch Package Manager Readiness Review (LPRR)
The EVA Project Office supported the LPRR for 5A. There were no EVA exceptions to launch package readiness for integration pending completion of open work. There are a significant number of fit checks remaining to be completed between the U.S. lab and EVA installed tools and hardware. These are planned to be completed before the lab is turned over to KSC for processing. The LPRR decided not to replace the 5/16″ fasteners on the non-propulsive vent (NPV) flange with 7/16″ fasteners because of the schedule risk to the lab. The EVA Project Office concurred with this decision though it will add about 10 minutes of EVA time to change sockets for the task. There is a concern that the crew could damage the fasteners on the lab micro-metroid debris (MMOD) shields while reinstalling them on 5A. This could make it impossible to actuate the fasteners on later flights when the shields must be removed again. The EVA Project Office is building a test fixture to verify the failure torque, develop a contingency removal procedure and train the crew that must handle the shields.
7A.1 EVA Baseline
7A.1 EVA content was baselined on December 1, 2000. The flight will consist of two EVA’s and include a crew rotation (Inc. 3 up and Inc. 2 down). Cargo will include an Multipurpose Logistics Module, Integrated Cargo Carrier which will carry the ORU Transfer device, Russian Portable Work Platform (PWP), two Materials ISS Experiments, two SHOSS Boxes, 8A Launch to Activation Cables, and 6 Service Module Debris Panels (SMDP’s). The PWP and SMDP’s are Russian built and provided hardware. Crew training is scheduled to start in January.
Original Signed By:
Gregory J. Harbaugh