Status Report

XA/EVA Project Office Weekly Activity Report 27 July 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
July 27, 2000
Filed under

2A.2b Certification of Flight Readiness (CoFR) 1 and Crew Equipment Interface Tests (CEIT’s)

The 2A.2b EVA team presented its CoFR 1 review to the EVA Configuration Control Board on 7/18/00. The review resulted in identification of standard open work that will be accomplished by the Flight Readiness Review and found no exceptions or constraints for the flight at this time. This information will be passed on to the ISSP at the Launch Package Readiness Review on 7/27/00 and to the Shuttle Program at the Orbiter Rollout Milestone Review scheduled for 8/2/00. The 2A.2b EVA team also participated in the SHOSS Box and Orbiter CEIT’s held at KSC. Both events were successfully completed late last week with no EVA issues reported.

Symetrics Fluid Quick Disconnect (FQD) Line Whip Testing Conducted

EVA Safety personnel participated in testing of the 1_” Symetrics FQD to determine the forces produced from an improperly mated FQD. The test set-up consisted of an approximate 4-foot length of 1_” flex hose connected to an FQD. Water was used as the test fluid and was supplied via a 1″ line connected to a 40-gallon bladder style pressure vessel. System pressurization was provided to the pressure vessel by compressed gas. Tests were performed at pressures of 80, 150, and 360 psi, and indicated the need for implementation of hazard controls. (Forces as high as 180 lb. were measured.) Restraint designs are in work.

EMU O2 Contamination Recovery Status – Update

The first and second of three Secondary Oxygen Package (SOP) regulators were successfully cleaned, rebuilt, tested, and delivered one day early on 7/21 and 7/26, respectively, with the third to follow by 8/2. Cleaning and calibrating of the various ground test stands and implementation of cold trap filters to support the processing of the EMU hardware is currently the critical path and on track. Test stands for processing SOP assemblies at Hamilton Sundstrand were in operation as of 7/25 for flowing nitrogen. Oxygen test stand operation is scheduled for 7/29. Cold trap installation and tests are continuing at USA to bring two SOP stands on line to support SOP processing by early August. In summary, the EMU team remains on schedule to support launch of STS-106 on September 8.

Effort is now intensifying on the root cause investigation. A majority of the gas sources used for EMU processing have been sampled. Sampling will continue with the goal of producing a preliminary root cause report by the end of the week. The leading theory held for the last few weeks is still standing: bottled gases that currently pass government specifications still contain enough contaminant to accumulate in the SOP regulator. This accumulation occurs from the condensing of the contaminant on the cold surfaces of the SOP via the gas expansion during operation. This phenomenon is unique to the SOP since the primary system does not see an equivalent temperature drop.

Installation of Wire-Ties on Contingency Cables

Electrical Power System (EPS) Contingency Jumpers launching on 2A.2b include two RACU (Russian-to-American Converter Units) Restart Cables. These cables are 30 feet long and were recently identified as having no mechanism to maintain the cable in its coiled condition. Wire ties were hand-carried to KSC and integrated onto the flight cables by representatives of MOD and the VITT office prior to the 2A.2b Bench Review date. This was accomplished by short notice assistance from the ISS Program Office, EVA Project Office, Mission Operations Directorate, VITT and Spacehab representatives.

Airlock Functional Configuration Audit (FCA)

EVA Project Office representatives participated in the FCA Part 1 which was held July 17-July 25, 2000, at the USA facility in Huntsville, Alabama. As a result of this effort, in the EVA area the following significant actions were generated: seven action items are in work for contractor requirements verification yet to be submitted to NASA/EVA for approval. Six action items were generated for the GFE-provided Metal Oxide Method (METOX) subsystem, all tracking final closure of open paperwork. Other than the recorded open actions, the EVA area of responsibility (EVA, METOX, and Servicing and Performance Checkout Equipment) was found to be acceptable and ready for final approval. For all Airlock subsystems, no major findings were identified which jeopardize the element pre- ARB currently scheduled for 9/19/00.

Gregory J. Harbaugh


SpaceRef staff editor.