XA/EVA Project Office Weekly Activity Report 24 August 2000
EMU O2 Contamination Recovery Status – Update 8/24
The EMU program has completed cleaning and qualifying three Secondary Oxygen Packages (SOP) for STS-106. The third and final SOP for this mission was shipped to USA on Saturday (8/19) and has since been charged and processed for flight. Additionally, a fourth SOP regulator was delivered to Hamilton Sundstrand on Friday (8/18). This component has since been integrated with the SOP assembly and is now in acceptance testing. Over the weekend, sampling of the gas systems at the Environmental Test Article (ETA) facility in Building 7 was completed. With this test the ETA facility was cleared to perform the first of two pre-flight manned vacuum chamber runs required for STS-106. The first ETA run (D. Burbank) was successfully completed on 8/23. These runs will utilize the first refurbished SOP.
Short EMU (SEMU) 3018 Mishap Corrective Plan Progress
Last week representatives from Hamilton Sundstrand, United Space Alliance, and Crew and Thermal Systems Division convened to provide their respective plans for addressing the 15 recommendations detailed in the Mishap Review Report. Preliminary resolution plans are in place for all recommendations and in many cases the corrective action has already been initiated. Specifically, facilities that process the SEMU have already completed remedial corrective action in the modification of procedures for use of the EMU Ground Transfer Fixture (EGTF). In addition to updating GSE and procedures specifically related to this mishap, organizations will be auditing all procedures used for processing flight hardware. A majority of the corrective actions will be completed and in place by 8/30 and all will be completed by the end of the calendar year.
On going Russian EVA Issues
EVA Project Office personnel met with their Russian counterparts to resolve open issues on 2A.2b and Increment training. 2A.2b issues still in work include defining docking target deployment task procedures, resolving Russian-proposals for the use of US safety tether on the Service Module (SM), the relocation of cable clamps, and an alternate stowage flight rule. Increment 2 issues still in work include defining EVA content and priorities for the 4 planned EVA’s, and resolving concerns about the sufficiency of prime and backup crew training at the Hydrolab due to schedule conflicts.
S1-P1 Development Test
NBL development tests on S1 truss worksites were conducted from 8/14-17/00. All test objectives were completed. Test objectives included evaluation of the Thermal Radiator Rotary Joint (TRRJ) maintenance, Thermal Control System (TCS) radiator handoff, evaluation of the 1.5 inch fluid quick disconnect bail drive tool, S1 to S3 segment to segment umbilicals, CETA cart launch lock contingency release, S1 video stanchion assembly, shroud evaluations, nitrogen tank fluid line evaluations and TCS radiator jettison. A crew consensus report is being developed to document the results of the evaluations. Any recommended changes to hardware or operations will be documented in that report.
Propulsion Module – Node 2
The EVA Project Office has been supporting discussions regarding the two alternate Propulsion Module Designs. The first of these two design options would include building a platform off of Z1 in which propulsion packs could be installed. The second design option, Node X, includes flying the Node Structural Test Article (STA) and locating it on the aft end of Node 2. Based on both cost and EVA impacts, the current plan is to pursue the Node X option.
Currently, The EVA Project Office, Boeing Houston, and MOD are evaluating clearance and access issues for the Node 2 Heat Exchangers, located on the Aft end of Node 2.
Original signed by
Gregory J. Harbaugh