Working Group on NEOs; Triennnial Report for the International Astronomical Union
PRESIDENT: David Morrison
SECRETARY: Richard Binzel
MEMBERS: Mike A’Hearn, Mark Bailey, Richard Binzel, Carlo Blanco, Andrea Boattini, Ted Bowell, Andrea Carusi, Clark Chapman, Paul Chodas, Nikolaj Chernykh, Julio Fernandez, Daniel Green, Gerhard Hahn, Alan Harris, Eleanor Helin, Syuzo Isobe, Claes-Ingvar Lagerkvist, Steve Larson, A.C. Levasseur-Regourd, Brian Marsden, Robert McMillan, Andrea Milani, David Morrison, Karri Muinonen, Syuichi Nakano, William Napier, Steven Ostro, Steven Pravdo, Hans Rickman, Hans Scholl, Ken Seidelmann, Peter Shelus, Viktor Shor, Maria Sokolskaya, Duncan Steel, Grant Stokes, Gonzalo Tancredi, David Tholen, Jana Ticha, Giovanni Valsecchi, Richard West, Gareth Williams, Iwan Williams, Makoto Yashikawa, Don Yeomans.
CONSULTANTS: David Asher, Dave Balam, Mario Carpino, Steve Chesley, Chris Chyba, Victoria Garshnek, Scott Hudson, Leon Jaroff, Alain Maury, Jacqueline Mitton, Oliver Morton, Petr Pravec, David Rabinowitz, Geoff Sommer, Tim Spahr, Jonathan Tate, Milos Tichy
REPORT: This Working Group is sponsored jointly by Division I and Division III. The charge of the WG includes (1) Liaison with SpaceGuard Foundation (2) Advise on coordination of NEO activities worldwide (3) Advise on reporting of NEO hazards (4) Advise on research relevant to NEOs. The WG also maintains a standing review committee to provide a voluntary technical peer review of predicted close approaches of NEOs, where such predictions include estimates of the possibility of collision with the Earth. The IAU also provides partial sponsorship of the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge MA, with orbital and other information on all known NEOs available at
During this triennium, the WGNEO met at the IAU General Assembly in Manchester and held one additional formal meeting in Palermo, Italy, in conjunction with the conference “Asteroids 2001: From Piazzi to the Third Millennium” (June 11-16, 2001). More than half of the WGNEO members were present at Palermo. The WGNEO reaffirmed its commitment to providing accurate, timely, and responsible information to the public on NEO impact risks. The WGNEO maintains a Technical Review Committee for the purpose of providing rapid peer review of predictions of possible impacts. However, the development of on-line computational tools at JPL and in Pisa (see below) means in practice that such reviews are automatic and practically instantaneous, so that the formal IAU procedure is unlikely to be much required in the future. A new hazard metric, called the Palermo Technical Scale, was approved to compare the risk from newly discovered NEAs, although it does not replace the Torino Scale for public communication (see below).
The past three years have seen a tremendous growth in the study of NEOs. This period includes the one-year orbital study of 433 Eros by the NASA spacecraft NEAR-Shoemaker, followed by a landing on the asteroid surface
Communication with the international scientific community and with the interested public represents an important part of the WG efforts. One tool for public communication is the Torino Impact Scale, which has been adopted by the WG and other NEO scientists for this purpose. The Torino Scale is a “Richter Scale” for categorizing the Earth impact hazard associated with newly discovered asteroids and comets. The scale is described at Other websites, although not formally endorsed by the IAU, also provide a valuable communication functions. These include the NASA NEO Program Office
David Morrison, November 4, 2002