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Watch Video of K10 RED and K10 Black Haughton Mars Project Rovers

By SpaceRef Editor
September 5, 2007
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Dr. Matthew Deans, Field Test Lead for the 2007 Haughton Mars Project (HMP), compressed the images collected from the K10 Red and K10 Black hazard avoidance cameras. The Haughton Mars Project is a research project that is being done near the Haughton’s impact crater on Devon Island in Northern Canada. The project focuses on the Mars-like features of Devon Island and the impact crater.

K10 Red and K10 Black are the two rovers that performed systematic surveys of several simulated lunar outpost sites and collected more than 25 gigabytes of data. In the videos, K10 Red is navigating the HMP base camp and K10 Black is Navigating Drill Hill, a test site at Haughton Crater. The actual time elapsed in the video is a couple of hours but has been compressed to a couple of minutes.

SpaceRef staff editor.