Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Call For Executive Committee Members

VEXAG is seeking volunteers for VEXAG Executive Committee members to replace those who have successfully completed their service to the Venus community. The new members will start in 2017 for a term that run for three years. Also, the VEXAG Early Career Scholars Focus Group is looking for interested group members.
If you are interested, send your resume and a statement of how you could contribute to VEXAG to Bob Grimm and Martha Gilmore, VEXAG Chair and Deputy Chair (, by January 6, 2017.
VEXAG activities for the next three years are expected to be community building with an emphasis on:
– Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
– Technology Development and Laboratory Measurements
– International Collaboration
– Early Career and Young Scholar Development
– Venus Exploration Roadmaps
VEXAG is a community-based forum established in July 2005 to assess scientific priorities and strategies for exploration of Venus. VEXAG is currently composed of a chair and five focus groups, where the focus groups actively solicit input from the Venus community on the topics listed above.
More information may be found at the LPI VEXAG Web-site: