Status Report

VAFB launch schedule As of 2003 August 17

By SpaceRef Editor
August 20, 2003
Filed under , ,
  Date           (PST/PDT)           Vehicle         Pad/Silo
--------     -----------     -------------      --------

SEP             Unannounced       Minuteman III       LF-10
ICBM test launch (non-orbital). Payload is at least one unarmed
warhead. Impact area is in the Reagan Test Site at Kwajalein in the
central Pacific. GT-181GM 

SEP 14          09:17-09:27       Titan II            SLC-4W
Payload is a DMSP military weather satellite 

NOV 13          19:30             Delta II            SLC-2W
Payload is NASA's Gravity Probe B scientific satellite 

NOV 20          Unannounced       Atlas II            SLC-3E
Payload is a classified National Reconnaissance Office satellite(s).

JAN 15          Unknown           Delta II            SLC-2W
Payload is NASA's AURA scientific satellite 

SpaceRef staff editor.