Status Report

USGS Astrogeology Internships

By SpaceRef Editor
October 16, 2007
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Currently, Astrogeology has several internship opportunity offerings. There are two year-round computer programming internships open for Computer Science majors, or other majors with a Computer Science minor. We have a web developer internship open for Visual Communications, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, or other talented student with some experience with web page layout and design. Students who have a strong programming background are also welcome to apply. Please bring a resume to the NAU CENS Career Fair and drop it off with the folks at the USGS table.

Astrogeology also has an image analyst internship working with space mission data for a geology major or other science major. USGS Astrogeology internships are advertised through NAU Gateway and Facebook Marketplace. For more information about working for the USGS Astrgeology Research Program, see our Careers page. Flagstaff area students may e-mail resumes to

We will be at the NAU CENS Job Fair October 11, 2007 – stop by and visit!

SpaceRef staff editor.